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Matthies Druckguss GmbH & Co. KG
Bredstedter Straße 29 - 31
24768 Rendsburg

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Matthies Druckguss GmbH & Co. KG
Bredstedter Straße 29-31
24768 Rendsburg

die casting (HPDC) in brass:
The superior choice

Maximise the benefits of the die
casting process with brass alloys.


Complex geometries

Realisation of complex geometries and precise reproduction of components:
The HPDC process is known for its ability to realise complex geometries, angled or stepped sections and to create precise and reliable component reproduction. Structurally demanding components with thin wall thicknesses can be cast without any problems and eliminate the need for time-consuming and cost-intensive reworking.
Even if the question arises, brass die-cast is no exception.
With brass alloys, these typical advantages of the HPDC process can be exploited just as fully as when using aluminium or zinc alloys, for example. Here too, cast parts can be produced that weigh anything from a few grams to several kilograms.
The component geometry can also be modelled very flexibly with brass alloys in HPDC. Undercuts and shadow areas that run at right angles to the mould partition can be implemented in the same way as in the classic HPDC process. The same applies to drill holes, which can be freely positioned on the casting, either as through holes or blind holes, in the demoulding direction or transverse to it. Subsequent bore dimensions for certain fits or for threads are pre-cast with allowance in order to minimise the amount of swarf in the post-moulding process.
The basic requirement for high-pressure die casting is always the same, regardless of the alloy:
To create a casting that corresponds to the model in terms of reproduction quality and to minimise the amount of unnecessary mechanical reworking.


Thin wall thicknesses

Structurally sophisticated components with thin wall thicknesses without extensive reworking:
A major advantage of HPDC is the production of near-net-shape components with thin-walled structures or low wall thicknesses and therefore a low level of mechanical reworking.
One thing is clear: even when using brass alloys, cast parts with corresponding thin-walled areas can be produced using HPDC. This applies both to the design of the wall thicknesses of the cast parts and to delicate transition areas such as webs, ribbing or reinforcing webs.
However, the actual advantages go far beyond this. By using brass alloys with special mechanical properties, critical areas can be designed with much thinner walls than is the case in high-pressure die casting with aluminium alloys.
The use of cast parts made from brass alloys is just as varied as with the classic alloys used in HPDC. Due to the possibility of thin wall thicknesses and a filigree casting geometry, the cast parts produced in this way are very well suited for installation in areas in which high demands are placed on the mechanical properties of the component. For example, a brass HPDC part could be mounted as an inlay in a plastic housing to ensure the mechanical connection with other metal add-on parts.
This means that structurally demanding components can be moulded without any problems, or combined as in the example mentioned, which reduces complex reworking and lowers production costs.


Piece weight

Problem-free production of components with a wide range of unit weights:
Whether a few grams or several kilograms, the production of cast parts using brass HPDC is just as diverse as when using aluminium or zinc alloys. However, compared to other casting processes in which brass alloys can be processed, HPDC with brass alloys is the clear winner. The minimum weight of a brass die-cast part can be 3 g, the minimum dimensions of the casting geometry are 3 x 3 x 3 mm in order to be processable in the automatic casting process. A fineness that cannot be realised in other casting processes. And a real benefit that allows us to fully utilise the advantages of HPDC.
Short cycle times, large output quantities and a reproduction fidelity that remains stable over the entire service life of the mould are the key words for success!
Of course, HPDC with brass alloys can also be used to produce larger components. A maximum weight per piece of 12 kg, which corresponds to the approximate dimensions of 300 x 300 x 250 mm, can be cast without any problems.
Within this range, brass HPDC can cover most designs intended for today's use in plant, machinery, ships or offshore applications.

The versatility of brass alloys in the high-pressure die casting process allows the production of components with a wide range of weights, from feather-light components to parts weighing several kilos.


Tensile strength

Classic high-pressure die casting, in which an aluminium alloy is used to produce a cast part, has clear advantages, but in one respect it quickly reaches its limits: the achievable tensile strength.
Brass alloys, on the other hand, can achieve high tensile strengths after solidification that are comparable to those of common standard steel grades. Tensile strengths of 350 N/mm² - 500 N/mm² for brass or special brass alloys make substitution with unalloyed structural steels, such as S235JR (1.0038), possible without any problems.
The very good strength values that can be achieved are close to the lower limit of the group of heat-treatable steels and can also be used as a substitute in some areas. Existing steel components can therefore be replaced by HPDC brass parts, which potentially enables significant cost and weight savings. This is because components made of steel materials are manufactured almost exclusively by mechanical post-processing, i.e. by machining block material. In addition to large quantities of scrap metal (removed chips), this primarily results in a long throughput time (machining process). Due to the process-related short cycle times in HPDC, the economic consideration between brass HPDC and the production of the steel component ‘from the solid’ is quickly concluded.
If the mechanical requirements of the component design allow it, the use of HPDC brass should always be considered.High tensile strengths make it possible to substitute common standard steel grades.



Excellent resistance to corrosion is guaranteed:
Almost all manufactured cast parts have their future place of use in areas where they are directly or indirectly exposed to the weather.
The greatest challenge in the manufacture of cast parts is therefore to select an appropriate surface coating or passivation to ensure long-term durability and protection against corrosion, even after assembly. Corrosion is defined as a chemical and/or physical interaction between the metal and its environment that originates from the surface.
Brass alloys used in HPDC usually do not require an additional coating as they are naturally resistant to corrosion. Standard brass alloys are particularly well protected in their basic state, making them suitable for use in sanitary facilities and areas where water flows through.
The properties of special brass alloys in high-pressure die casting go beyond this. They are even extremely resistant to corrosion caused by salty air or salt water. Components made from these materials can therefore be used underwater or on ships, in coastal installations or on offshore components without additional surface finishing processes. Excellent durability is achieved thanks to the good resistance to corrosion. And all this without additional surface finishing processes. This not only reduces costs, but also makes cast parts made of brass alloys real ambassadors of sustainability!


Component moulding process

Integration of cast-in parts for dynamically highly stressed components:
In component casting, cast parts are produced that are provided with inlaid components in some areas. In this process, cast-in parts made of steel or stainless steel alloys are inserted into the mould and cast into the brass parts during the die-casting process. Although brass alloys have a high tensile strength in HPDC, it may well be necessary to implement higher requirements in terms of strength and fatigue loading in some areas. For components that are subject to high dynamic loads in some areas, such as the bearings of shift forks or in articulated joints, metal bushings can be cast in to ensure the durability of the entire component.
The cast-in parts should, of course, fulfil a number of basic requirements in order to be able to be processed in HPDC at all. As a basic requirement, the material of the cast-in parts to be used must be selected so that their melting point is clearly above that of the casting alloy used. In addition, the cast-in parts require corrugations or knurls on the surface to be cast around in order to be firmly enclosed when the mould is filled with the molten brass and to be firmly integrated into the contour after the casting has solidified.
The diverse areas of application for HPDC parts made of brass alloys produced using the component casting process are therefore so varied that in many cases a future process and material substitution can be considered.


Antimicrobial effect

Efficient protection without additional effort:
The term ‘antimicrobial’ covers all active principles that inhibit the growth of bacteria, fungi and viruses, counteract their colonisation from the outset or immediately kill off the corresponding microorganisms. There are various ways of subsequently applying an antimicrobial surface to a component. These are special coatings that are applied to the component either as films or paints.
In contrast to these simple coatings with mostly biocidal ingredients, which wear off over time and have been in use for some time, solid copper alloys such as brass and bronze offer an inexhaustible reservoir for the highly effective copper ions and are therefore particularly effective in the long term. Thanks to this antimicrobial effectiveness, copper materials can interrupt indirect contact transmission. The major advantage over applied coatings lies in the nature of the matter, because the use of a solid metal, which retains its antimicrobial effectiveness until it is completely dissolved, means that the property is not lost even if the surface is damaged during use. This makes die-cast brass alloys the perfect material for use in the manufacture of door handles, for example, which are used in areas with an increased risk of infection (including hospitals), as they are used regularly and frequently and therefore act as a favoured refuge for germs. This is because the antimicrobial effect of the brass either inhibits or kills them. Efficient protection without additional expense and a real contribution to sustainability by eliminating the need for a costly coating!


Matthies Druckguss GmbH & Co. KG
Bredstedter Straße 29 - 31
24768 Rendsburg

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